Did You Know
Adopting Instead of Buying a Pet
When you choose to adopt a pet from an animal shelter or rescue group, you’re not just giving a forever home to one animal; you’re also saving the lives of two beings. The pet you adopt finds a loving home and, equally importantly, you create space for a homeless animal to be rescued and offered the same chance for a better life. Your adoption decision has a ripple effect of compassion and hope.
For a holistic approach to pet care, it’s crucial to know which foods are unsafe for your dogs – find out more in our detailed guide.
Dental Cleaning
Engaging in routine at-home dental care for your pet can significantly enhance their oral health and extend the time between visits for professional dental cleanings.
Why Do I Need to Vaccinate My Pet?
Companion animals are afforded the opportunity to enjoy longer, healthier lives, thanks in part to the accessibility of vaccines that provide vital protection against life-threatening infectious diseases.
Your Pet’s Health
Common Household Poisons
Your home can hold a lot of unrecognized danger for your pet. Many common food items or household products can sicken or even kill animals. However, a few simple precautions can help keep your pet safe.
A Pet Owner’s Guide to Flea Control
Because flea infestations involve multiple life stages, an effective treatment strategy targets as many stages as possible. If you believe your pet is infested with fleas, begin with a trip to your veterinarian.
Deworming and Prevention of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Dogs and Cats
Gastrointestinal parasites can cause serious illness in pets and some parasites can infect humans. Any new pet entering your home should be tested for parasites as soon as possible and treated if parasites are found.