Check Your Pet’s Microchip

Safeguard your furry friend by regularly updating their microchip details, enabling quick returns if they go missing.

Why do you need a microchip?

Microchips are the only permanent form of pet identification

A microchip is the only permanent form of ID your pet will ever have because it’s implanted and unlike any other option including GPS that is attached to a collar, collars can fall off or be taken off.

They are extremely reliable and will last your pet’s entire lifetime, but they need to be registered with your contact information with a pet recovery service that provides a database that is actively searched and employs team of telephone support that are available at all times of the day to answer inbound calls to coordinate your found pet’s prompt return.

Collars can fall off or be taken off!

Although a name tag with your phone number is a must as most good samaritans don’t have microchip scanners, an ID tag will save them the hassle of taking your pet to a vet or shelter to be scanned.

How to Check Your Pets Microchip

Get Your Pet Scanned

Visit a veterinary office, animal shelter, or pet store equipped with a universal scanner that can read all microchip frequencies. Ensure they can perform a scan by calling ahead.

Write Down the Chip Number

If a microchip is detected, jot down the unique identification number displayed by the scanner.

Lookup the Microchip

Your pet’s microchip will not work unless it’s registered in a database that’s actively searched. Use a reputable online database to search for the microchip number.

How Microchipping Works

Microchips are implanted just under the skin, below the neck and between the shoulder blades via a syringe. Your pet will feel a slight pinch for a quick second, but nothing to require anesthetic or sedation.

Each microchip contains a unique string of digits that serve as its unique identifier when registered to the pet owner directly with their current contact information. The microchip is activated by scanner that is waved over it at close range. Once the chip is detected, the scanner (or reader) displays the microchip’s unique identification number that can be searched in a database and the pet owner can be contacted.

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Have questions? We’ve Got Answers

Discover everything you need to know about how microchipping works, and what to expect. We’re here to ensure you have all the information to make the best decision for your pet’s safety.

How do I register my pet?

Registering your pet is easy. You can do it online with the company that distributed the chip. If you don’t know what company your pet’s chip belongs to please see our updated microchip guide. Some companies charge a one-time registration fee while others charge an annual fee. It has never been expensive to register a microchip, but some registries are more expensive than others depending on the level of services they offer.

Like anything else, you get what you pay for. Some may offer a free name tag with your pet’s microchip ID, but it is not advised to include your pet’s chip ID on a tag as it can then easily be registered in another database that does not cross-reference other’ registries. Your pet’s microchip ID is like your pet’s social security number. You wouldn’t walk around in public with your social security number in plain view for obvious reasons.

Whatever you do, don’t register your pet’s chip with a free service as they are scams that exist for no other purpose than to build up marketing lists that are sold off to online marketing firms that will simply spam your email inbox.

A microchip will last a pet’s entire lifetime.

Many veterinarians and some animal shelters implant microchips for a small fee, but just getting a microchip isn’t enough—you also need to register it with a legit pet recovery service. A good rule of thumb is to do so with the company that distributed the chip.

Yes, but it is always a good idea to have your phone number attached to your pet’s collar as a good semartian will not have a scanner. Peeva requires all of our veterinary partners and shelters in our network to scan pets for microchips regardless of a tag is present or not. Microchips are the only permanent form of ID a pet will ever have whereas collars and tags can be removed and replaced. ensures all pets that are seen at any veterinary partner or shelter in our network

Although it’s rare for a microchip to migrate as they are implanted in a pet’s subcutaneous tissue which holds it in place, pet care professionals are trained to scan pets using a figure 8-type motion over a pet’s entire body until a chip is read.

Yes, there are multiple microchip companies with no standardization between them. There are multiple microchips, multiple scanners, and multiple frequencies in which they operate. In other words, not all microchips could be read by all scanners, and there was no true universal scanner that could read all the different frequencies until fairly recently.

Yes, and multiple registries offered by different chip companies have created a problem. The AAHA pet microchip lookup tool was developed in response to this, however, numerous free registries have been offered participation which has compounded the problem. Please click here for a list of legit registries.

Microchips are implanted just under the skin, below the neck, and between the shoulder blades via a syringe. Your pet will feel a slight pinch for a quick second, but nothing to require anesthetic or sedation.

Each microchip contains a unique string of digits that serve as its unique identifier when registered to the pet owner directly with their current contact information. The microchip is activated by a scanner that is waved over it at close range. Once the chip is detected, the scanner (or reader) displays the microchip’s unique identification number that can be searched in a database and the pet owner can be contacted.

No Microchip? Get one!

Secure your pet’s safety today with a quick, painless microchipping procedure. Ensure they always find their way back to you!

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Peeva’s Microchip

Any veterinary professional or shelter worker with access to Peeva can simply scan your pet for a microchip and instantly notify you with their location details.

We also give other legit registries as well as the AAHA Lookup Tool the ability to make live calls to our API to ensure all pet’s that are registered with Peeva can be found by shelters and veterinary hospitals that have yet to join our expansive network.

Peeva's Promise: Bring Your Lost Pet Home Faster

Do more with your pet’s microchip. Benefit from our 24/7 phone support and lost pet alerts, ensuring your pet is prioritized and protected.

The Unbearable Thought

What If Your Pet Goes Missing?

Protect your pet with around-the-clock support, lost pet alerts, and easily accessible health records, for as low as $5/month!