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Is Your Dog Chipped? Simple Steps to Find Out and Ensure Their Safety

Is Your Dog Chipped? Simple Steps to Find Out and Ensure Their Safety

Today, we’re tackling a practical yet essential question for all canine companions: “Is Your Dog Chipped?” While it may not be the most glamorous topic, it’s incredibly important for the safety and security of our beloved pets. Understanding whether your furry friend has a microchip can be a game-changer in ensuring their well-being. Let’s embark on a straightforward journey to discover if your dog has this tiny, yet mighty technology. We’ll guide you through the process with some easy-to-follow steps, ensuring you’re well-informed and prepared. Ready to begin? Let’s uncover the answers together.

Understanding Microchips in Dogs

A microchip is a small electronic device, about the size of a grain of rice, that is implanted under a dog’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It contains a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner. When a lost dog is found, a quick scan can reveal this number, which is linked to the owner’s contact information in a database. This system has proven to be a game-changer in pet recovery, making it possible to reunite lost dogs with their owners quickly and efficiently.

The benefits of microchipping are numerous. In addition to providing a permanent form of identification that cannot be lost or removed like a collar or tag, microchips also offer a sense of security for pet owners. Knowing that your dog can be easily identified and returned to you if lost is invaluable. Moreover, microchips are durable and designed to last a lifetime, making them a one-time investment in your dog’s safety.

How to Know if a Dog is Chipped?

Determining whether your dog is chipped can be straightforward. If you adopted your dog from a shelter or rescue organisation, there’s a good chance they were already microchipped as part of the adoption process. Similarly, if you purchased your dog from a breeder, they may have been chipped before being sold. In these cases, you should have received documentation or records indicating the presence of a microchip and its registration details.

If you’re unsure whether your dog has been microchipped, there are a few steps you can take. First, check any adoption or purchase records you have for your dog. These documents often include information about microchipping. You can also look for a microchip tag on your dog’s collar, which some owners attach as an additional form of identification.

Another option is to visit your local veterinarian or a pet shelter. They can use a handheld scanner to check for the presence of a microchip. This quick and painless process involves passing the scanner over your dog’s body to detect any microchip that may be implanted. If a chip is found, the scanner will display the unique identification number, confirming that your dog is indeed chipped.

If you discover that your dog is not microchipped, it’s highly recommended to consider having one implanted. The procedure is simple, relatively painless, and can be performed during a routine veterinary visit. The peace of mind and security it provides are well worth the effort, ensuring that your dog can always be identified and returned to you if they ever get lost.

Can You Feel a Microchip in a Dog?

can you feel a microchip in a dog
Is Your Dog Chipped? Simple Steps to Find Out and Ensure Their Safety 2

Many pet owners wonder if they can physically detect a microchip in their dog. The answer is, it depends. Immediately after implantation, you might be able to feel a small bump under the skin where the microchip was placed. However, over time, as the microchip settles and the area heals, it becomes more challenging to feel, especially in larger dogs or those with thicker coats.

If you suspect your dog has a microchip but can’t feel it, don’t worry. The inability to physically detect a microchip does not mean it’s not there. Microchips are designed to be unobtrusive and should not cause discomfort to your pet. The best way to confirm the presence of a microchip is through a professional scan.

How to Check a Dog for a Chip?

Checking a dog for a microchip is a straightforward process that can be performed by a veterinarian, animal shelter staff, or a pet rescue organisation. They use a handheld device called a microchip scanner, which emits radio waves to activate the microchip. When the scanner passes over the area where the microchip is implanted, it reads the chip’s unique identification number and displays it on the screen.

Visit a Professional:

Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian or visit a local animal shelter or rescue organisation that has a microchip scanner.

Scan the Dog:

A staff member will use the scanner to gently pass over your dog’s body, starting from the neck and moving down to the tail. This is a painless process and usually takes only a few seconds.

Read the Results:

If your dog has a microchip, the scanner will display the unique identification number. Note this number, as it is essential for updating and maintaining your dog’s microchip information.

If no microchip is detected, you can discuss the option of having one implanted with your veterinarian.

Do Vets Charge to Check for Microchip?

The cost of checking for a microchip can vary depending on the veterinary clinic or animal shelter. Some veterinarians offer this service for free, especially if you’re already there for a regular check-up or another procedure. Others may charge a small fee for the scanning service.

Many animal shelters and rescue organisations provide microchip scanning at no cost as part of their efforts to reunite lost pets with their owners. It’s a good idea to call ahead and inquire about any fees or to ask if they have specific times set aside for microchip scanning.

If you’re concerned about the cost, look for community events or pet fairs where microchip scanning is often offered for free or at a reduced price. These events are usually organised by animal welfare organisations or local government agencies and are a great way to check your pet’s microchip status without incurring significant expenses.

Once you’ve confirmed that your dog has a microchip, the next step is to ensure that the chip is registered and your contact information is up to date. Here’s how you can find out if a dog is chipped and take the necessary steps to ensure their safety:

Obtain the Microchip Number:

When your dog is scanned, note the unique microchip number displayed on the scanner.

Check the Microchip Registry:

Use the microchip number to search online databases or contact the microchip manufacturer to find out which registry the chip is associated with.

Update Your Contact Information:

If your dog’s microchip is registered, ensure that your current contact information is linked to the chip. If it’s not registered, take the necessary steps to register the chip with a reputable pet recovery service.

Ensuring Your Dog’s Microchip is Up-to-Date

Keeping your dog’s microchip information up to date is crucial for their safety. If your contact details change, such as moving to a new address or getting a new phone number, update the information associated with the microchip as soon as possible. This ensures that if your dog is ever lost and scanned, the person who finds them can quickly contact you.

Most microchip registries offer online portals where you can easily update your contact information. It’s also a good idea to check the registry periodically to ensure that all the information is correct and up to date.


Microchipping is a simple yet effective way to ensure your dog’s safety. By taking the steps to check if your dog is chipped, keeping the microchip information up to date, and ensuring that your contact details are accurate, you’re providing an invaluable safety net for your furry friend. Don’t wait until it’s too late – make sure your dog is chipped and protected today!

Peeva: Where Lost Pets Find Their Way Home

Transform your pet’s microchip into a lifeline. 24/7 phone support and lost pet alerts ensure your pet gets the help they need, when they need it.

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