Lost Cat: Star

Lost Cat Star in Oregon, OH 43616

Pet name: Star My owner is: Jacklynn Brockway Date Last Seen: August 18, 2024 Location: Oregon, OH 43616 Sex: Female D.O.B: March 1, 2022 Breed: Tortoiseshell Contact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Cat, Named: Chummy

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Last seen April 6th at Marigold St., Portland OR. Medium-large Maine Coon mix male cat, brown with golden coloring. He has yellow eyes and a grey tip of his tail. He is about 6 years old and is microchipped. Chummy is the sweetest boy and loves to be carried over your shoulder and cradled around […]

Missing Muffins (cat)

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Missing neutered male brown tabby with white on face, chest, paws, stomach. He has yellow eyes and is chipped. He is an outdoor cat but usually comes for food in the morning and we haven’t seen him for about four days starting on 3/15/2024. My daughter is devastated she can’t find her cat. Please, any […]

Lost Dog “Tom” in Portland, OR 97225

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Pet name: Tom My owner is: Patrick Bordeerat Location: Portland, OR 97225 Last seen: 01/17/2024 DOB: August 5, 2021 Breed: Siberian Husky Sex: Male Contact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Cat Chloe in PORTLAND OR 97223

Lost Cat Chloe in PORTLAND OR 97223

Pet name: ChloeOwner name: Heather OgleLocation last seen: PORTLAND, OR 97223Breed: American LonghairPhysical description: Gender: Female, Weight: 7 lbs, Age: 14 yearsContact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Cat Jasper in BANDON OR 97411

Lost Cat Jasper in BANDON OR 97411

Pet name: JasperOwner name: Janet SimsLocation last seen: BANDON, OR 97411Breed: BengalPhysical description: Gender: Male, Weight: Not Available, Age: 2 yearsContact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Cat Moses (Ceres) in PORTLAND OR 97203

Lost Cat Moses (Ceres) in PORTLAND OR 97203

Pet name: Moses (Ceres)Owner name: Lori Grammer/GambinoLocation last seen: PORTLAND, OR 97203Breed: SiberianPhysical description: Gender: Male, Weight: Not Available, Age: 3 yearsContact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Dog Tucker in SANDY OR 97055

Lost Dog Tucker in SANDY OR 97055

Pet name: TuckerOwner name: Ellery PalanukLocation last seen: SANDY, OR 97055Breed: Papillon, Pomeranian, ChihuahuaPhysical description: Gender: Male, Weight: 8 lbs, Age: 3 yearsContact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co

Lost Dog Mushy in PORTLAND OR 97214

Lost Dog Mushy in PORTLAND OR 97214

Pet name: MushyOwner name: Kaho ChengLocation last seen: PORTLAND, OR 97214Breed: ChihuahuaPhysical description: Gender: Male, Weight: 11 lbs, Age: 5 yearsContact Peeva: 833.733.8226 or support@peeva.co