Microchipping your pet is a quick and essential procedure that ensures they can be traced if lost. Here’s what you need to know:
How are microchips implanted?
- A microchip needle is used to implant a microchip under your dog’s skin.
- The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and contains a unique ID number linked to your contact information.
- The needle is sterile, pre-loaded with the microchip, and designed to minimize discomfort, making the process quick and efficient.
Size of a Dog Microchip
- A dog microchip is typically 12mm in length and 2mm in diameter, similar to a grain of rice.
- Encased in biocompatible material, the microchip is safe for your pet and remains functional throughout their life without causing health issues.
Needle Size for Microchipping
- The microchipping needle is about 12 gauge, slightly larger than regular vaccination needles (22-25 gauge).
- This size ensures the microchip is properly implanted without excessive discomfort.
How the Microchipping Needle Works
- Preparation: The vet cleans the area between the shoulder blades.
- Inserting the Needle: The microchip is pre-loaded in a sterile syringe, and the needle is quickly inserted under the skin.
- Implanting the Microchip: The microchip is released under the skin.
- Checking the Microchip: A scanner verifies the microchip’s functionality.
Safety and Comfort
- The needle and microchip are designed to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum safety.
- Vets use calming techniques to keep your dog comfortable during the procedure.
- Post-microchipping care involves monitoring the injection site for a few days.
Benefits of Microchipping
- Increases the chances of reuniting with your dog if they get lost.
- Provides a permanent form of identification.
- Cost-effective and widely recognized by shelters and vets.
- Necessary for some travel requirements.
Microchipping is a safe, quick, and effective way to protect your dog, providing lifelong peace of mind. If you haven’t already enroll your pet’s microchip with Peeva today!