Lost pets come home with Peeva.

Shelter Intake

Data driven ways to keep pets out of shelters.

To truly resolve the missing pet problem a better system of data management is needed.

Data should drive decisions that can help save companion animals’ lives and prevent homelessness. Shelters do NOT collect and report important data and having the most accurate data is essential to ending the killing of cats and dogs that are put in shelters. When searching for hard data regarding euthanasia statistics, there is nothing that can be found of the sort. While many shelters know the value of keeping statistics, no national reporting structure exists to make compiling national statistics on these figures possible. All stats are prefaced with “not accounting for strays.” This because the information available has been limited.

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The macro classification or categorization processes that shelters have in place at intake.

Current classification/ categorization management is completely inefficient and almost negligent for kill shelters.

All dogs regardless of their breed are split into 8 sub-genres. An eyeball judgment of breed type is over-generalized and mismanaged. An owner of a lost dog or cat could call or even show up at the shelter where their pet turned up and the pet might actually be there, but the pet is ultimately euthanized due to their macro miscategorization practices.

One of the features we have been building out with “Peeva-fetch” is a better classification system for pet owners when registering their pet’s microchip with Peeva. There are several different pure breeds of dogs, but obviously even more mixed breeds. For example, a labradoodle is a lab and poodle mix, a puggle is a pug and beagle mix. Designer dog or not a mixed breed should be located, as should a pure breed that is macro categorized into any of the 8 subgroups.

With Peeva, pet owners can check off multiple boxes when registering their pets into our system.
Pet owners are able to upload pictures of their pets and can type in specific distinguishing characteristics of their pet; such as a feline with tiger stripes and 2 white front paws can be viewed and automatically categories when the pet’s chip is scanned at intake and of course the rightful pet owner will also be notified regardless when scanned.

For shelters, we also hope they will write more descriptive information at intake.

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Ultimate Protection for Your Pet

Maximize the utility of your pet’s microchip with Peeva. Our 24/7 phone support lost pet alerts, and medical records ensure your pet is found faster.

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