Lost pets come home with Peeva.

How to Educate Pet Owners About the Need for Microchipping Their Pet

How to talk to Pet Owners

Talking to pet owners – Peeva can help you explain the benefits of microchipping.

At Peeva, we know that you are in the business of treating pets, not policing puppy theft. Nevertheless, the leading cause of pet death is pets getting lost.

Microchipping, along with registration, is a critical component of preventative care. As microchipping experts, we’re ready to help you include microchipping in client discussions with counseling tips that ease pet owner concerns. And because we are building a network, we are the only pet recovery service that pairs vital pet health information, standardized pet tracking, and instant notification features that will make every pet owner understand they need Peeva.

Educating & reassuring pet owners

We know the challenges you face when talking with pet owners about microchipping. From fear of big brother, government, and privacy concerns, to mark of the beast hokum, to shelter animals under-reporting, we understand there is a lot of misguided information out there that can raise unfounded concerns and poison the well over microchipping altogether.

It’s important to understand the facts about microchipping and communicate the need to pet owners so they can make an informed decision for their pet. Please use the discussion guide below to respond to some of the most common misperceptions pet owners may have about microchipping.

Effective responses to common concerns

“I don’t think it’s worth the trouble; how often do pets get lost anyway?”

  • 1 in 3 pets will get lost during their lifetime
  • 10 million pets get lost every year source
  • Without ID, 90% of lost pets never return home
  • Peeva is the best way to ensure that a microchip will be scanned and read.

“My pet never gets lost—he’s either with me or locked in the house.”

  • Remind the pet owner that one in three pets DO get lost, even though many owners don’t anticipate it. It’s far better to be safe than sorry. Here are some of the most common ways that pets can get lost:
  • A handyman or contractor accidentally lets your pet out
  • Your cat escapes through an open window or a broken screen
  • Your dog digs a hole and escapes under a fence
  • While traveling together, your pet wanders off into unfamiliar territory
  • A thunderstorm or fireworks display causes your pet to panic and flee
  • An emergency or natural disaster causes your pet to get lost in the turmoil
  • that a pet is ever stolen.

“My dog already gets too many shots… I don’t want him to get another.”
Remind pet owners that, while vaccinations are necessary to protect the health of their pet, microchip implantation may be the most essential “shot” their pet receives. That’s because getting lost is the #1 cause of death in pets. Reassure them that the injection is no more uncomfortable for their pet than a routine vaccination and that any discomfort will pass quickly. However, the protection provided will last for the life of their pet.

“Isn’t implanting a microchip—a foreign object—dangerous for my pet?”
Reassure your clients that veterinarians in the U.S. have been implanting microchips in pets for over 20 years. Properly implanting the microchip is important to ensure it is safe, which is why the procedure is done by (or under the supervision of) a licensed veterinarian.

Please see additional common questions right here.

Ultimate Protection for Your Pet

Maximize the utility of your pet’s microchip with Peeva. Our 24/7 phone support lost pet alerts, and medical records ensure your pet is found faster.

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