Compare HomeAgain vs Peeva’s Benefits and Features
Your chances of reuniting with a lost pet are much higher if the pet is microchipped – but not all microchip technology, databases, and pet recovery services are the same. A microchip works as your pet’s only permanent form of ID, and the way you manage this vital information matters. Compare the benefits of HomeAgain and Peeva lost pet recovery services and make the choice that’s right for you.
For a deeper understanding of how different microchip scanners work, check out our comprehensive guide on universal pet microchip scanners.
Pet Microchip Databases
Just having a microchip implanted in your pet isn’t enough. You or your veterinarian must then register your pet on a searchable database. You’ll also need to keep your contact information up to date so you can be notified if your pet is scanned and reunite sooner.
Peeva North American Pet Recovery Database
Peeva aims to standardize pet microchipping by maintaining an all-encompassing database. Instead of limiting registration to Peeva microchips only, our database accepts, analyzes, records, and catalogs microchips made by any manufacturer. Your pet’s microchip ID will be enrolled for life. This comprehensive database is the first and only of its kind. Millions of pets across the US and Canada are already registered on our database – and ours is the most actively searched pet microchip database in the world.
Peeva microchips are certified by the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR). Peeva is proud to be a participating pet recovery service registry with the AAHA universal pet microchip lookup tool.
HomeAgain National Pet Recovery Database
HomeAgain is a division of Intervet Inc., which is owned and managed by Merck & Co. This pet microchip and pet reunification company is well-known, but their proprietary database is limited to their own brands. Like Peeva, HomeAgain’s microchip IDs are unique and certified by the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR). Enrollment with HomeAgain National Pet Recovery Database lasts your pet’s lifetime so you can be contacted if your pet is found at any time.
Benefits and Features
Matching pets with their rightful owners is only the beginning of the service you can expect from premium membership with a microchip registry. Regardless of the pet recovery service you choose, you’ll have access to benefits you can’t get from a standard database alone.
Benefits of Peeva
Pets can get lost at any time, any day of the year, so Peeva provides a helpline that’s available 24/7/365. Even if your pet is scanned outside the Peeva network, you’ll still have access to a dedicated live support team around the clock.

If your pet’s microchip is scanned, you will immediately receive an SMS and email notification so you can pinpoint where your pet was found. This helps pets reunite with their families faster and more safely. To streamline things even further, veterinarians, shelters, and rescues can add Peeva’s registry to their existing software.
If your pet is registered on Peeva’s database, you have access to a lifetime membership to an all-in-one record storage system. Your contact information and pet’s electronic health records can be stored on the database, so you can access vaccination records whenever you need them.
Benefits of HomeAgain
HomeAgain offers a lifetime enrollment on their database, but membership benefits require maintenance fees. For a premium, you can expect access to a 24/7 medical helpline, data storage, financial travel assistance for found pets, and lost pet alerts. Their lost pet support network is made up of veterinarians, shelters, and volunteer pet rescues.
HomeAgain’s emergency medical hotline is staffed by licensed veterinarians, and you may call the number even if your pet is not lost. If you’re away from your pet’s vet and you encounter a medical emergency, HomeAgain’s premium membership service can provide advice over the phone.
All pet microchips are radio-frequency identification (RFID) devices that can easily be scanned and analyzed so pets can be reunited with their families. Although they all perform the same function, there are some differences between microchips.
Peeva Microchip Technology
Peeva assigns a unique 15-digit numeric code to every microchip. These chips use an industry standard 134.2 kHz frequency, so they are easy to scan. At 2.12 x 12mm, they’re slightly larger and easier to detect than some other brands.
HomeAgain Microchip Technology
HomeAgain uses unique 15 digit numeric or a 10 digit alphanumeric code for their microchips. These chips are a little smaller, measuring about 1.4mm x 10.3mm, and frequencies are either 134.2 kHz for the 15-digit chip or 125 kHz for the 10-digit chip.
Cost Breakdown
The cost of implanting your pet’s microchip, regardless of the manufacturer or database, depends on your veterinarian’s pricing scale. Typically, this one-time expense falls between $80 and $120. Some veterinarians bundle database registration fees into this cost.
Cost of Peeva
Registering on Peeva’s North American Central Pet Recovery Database requires a one-time fee of $54.95. Peeva never charges a membership, renewal, update, or upkeep fee – ever. The registration cost covers all the lifetime benefits you need to ensure your pet’s safety and record keeping.
Cost of HomeAgain
HomeAgain charges $19.99 per year to maintain your pet’s information and keep you eligible for premium member benefits. Once a pet is registered in the HomeAgain database, it stays in the database for life; however, non-members will not have access to the exclusive member benefits.
Choose Peace of Mind
Peeva is committed to reuniting lost pets with their families as quickly and efficiently as possible. No matter which microchip you choose, our hassle-free database stores all your pet’s essential information in one central place so your pet can come home safely.